Tuesday, January 03, 2006

New Year's Eve

12/31/2005 8:54PM
SD450. 1/60s, F2.8.

In the backseat of my mom's car, Alison sits between Isaac and Mindy as we drive around Chicago, heading towards Pizza D.O.C. on Lawrence and Western. It was good stuff. Then we headed to Galway Bay to meet up with Barbara and Nick. After a few misunderstandings and half a mile of walking in the cold, we eventually got together with them and rang in 2006 singing along to The Beatles' "Hey Jude." It was really wonderful. After Isaac was almost attacked by an insane hiccuper with a fire exstinguisher, we went back to Alison's and funnelled some more liquor into our blood streams. Then, I slept.

Happy 2006 everyone! Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

sázkové kanceláře said...

Super blog.Nice picture